Hear Palawa voices give speeches in palawa kani.

To see more speeches and videos in palawa kani, visit our YouTube channel at palawa kani playlist on YouTube (external link).
Pulingina, AFLW Welcome to Country, Launceston, September 2022
Daisy Allen welcomes the AFLW North Melbourne and Geelong players to Launceston.
(1) Facebook (links to TAC Facebook post)
Pulingina MONA FOMA, Launceston, January 2020
Watch Daisy Allan give a powerful pulingina (welcome) in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines at the opening of FOMA MONA, Launceston, January 2020.
TMAG Children’s Festival, Nipaluna, April 2018
Ada Marshall (aged seven) and Cooper Marshall (aged 11) pulingina for TMAG Children’s Festival in Nipaluna (Hobart), April 2018.
Takayna, on Country Exhibition, February 2018
The Wilderness Society held an Aboriginal Art Exhbition in Launceston on 1 February 2018, to raise funds for the protection of takayna.
This welcome, spoken in palawa kani by Daisy Allen, was given at the event.
Invasion Day, 2016
Hear Daisy Allen give a spirited speech in palawa kani to mark Invasion Day at Parliament Lawns in Nipaluna/Hobart, 26 January 2016.