Our campaigns represent the political aspirations of the Palawa community and fight for the protection of heritage and country.

A photo of hundreds of Aborigines and supporters marching in Devonport as part of the Invasion Day campaign, with two women in front, one with a flag around her shoulders and chanting through a megaphone and the other holding a flag that says No Hate, Just Change the Date
Invasion Day march in Limilinaturi/Devonport, 2023

Our main achievements include:

  • Return of ancestral remains from overseas and Australian institutions.
  • Negotiation and return of Aboriginal land.
  • Legislative recognition of Aboriginal cultural fishing rights.
  • Apology and financial compensation for community members of the Stolen Generation.
  • Negotiation of land purchases for community ownership.
  • Retrieval and revival of Tasmanian Aboriginal language.

You can support us in our campaigns. For more information, visit our donation page.