Category: Treaty


Did you know we have free monkeypox (mpox) vaccinations at the Tasmanian Aboriginal Health Service?…

To kill a Treaty

Michael Mansell's article on why the Voice proposal will only further marginalise First Nations people and kill a Treaty.

Aboriginal empowerment

Aboriginal empowerment won’t come from a Voice to parliament, but through authority By Michael Mansell…

Restoring lanugage strengthens Indigenous pride and culture

Language returned to ‘spoken life’ By Stephanie Dalton, The Examiner, Friday, 14 July 2023 For…


Nuyina, the palawa kani word for southern lights, selected as the name for the new Ice Breaker.


Nipaluna is the name of the country in which the City of Hobart sits. Find out why in this article.

Voice, Treaty, Truth

Opinion pieces written by Michael Mansell, Heather Sculthorpe and Maggie Walter on Voice, Treaty, Truth…

Monitoring animals on Lungtalanana

Partnerships are helping us to monitor animals on Lungtalanana.

Lungtalanana Healthy Country, May 2022

Pakana rangers and community members experienced a week full of fire, language and food on…

puligina – welcome, Junction Arts Festival 2022

‘pulingina – welcome’ to Junction Arts Festival, September 2022 The Junction Arts Festival, which is…